Friday 28 October 2011

Jenis-jenis lelaki yang patut dielakkan.


Pernah tak korang terjumpa dengan ex korang dan terfikir, “Was I drunk the whole relationship?”. Aku pernah. Ayat tu memang kena sangat dengan situasi aku jika aku teringat kembali dengan hubungan aku yang lepas. Dalam banyak-banyak lelaki kat Malaysia ni, kebetulan pula aku selalu terkena dengan lelaki yang hampeh tahap dewa la. Bila aku fikir balik pasal kisah lama, seriously aku menyesal. Buang masa aku je. Aku ni bukanlah jenis yang memilih sangat tapi kalau perangai dah macam syaitan, perempuan mana lah yang nak kan? Banyak dah jenis- jenis lelaki yang aku dah jumpa. Contohnya :
  • Yang suka pukul awek. Species ni la yang paling dayus dan yang paling tak boleh dijadikan suami. Kaum perempuan memang lemah. Tapi kalau ada apa-apa hal yang tak puas hati, bincang la bagus-bagus. Ni tak, gaduh sikit.. Mula lah tu nak tampar awek la, nak tumbuk la. Apa la korang ni. Dayus betul la.  
  • Yang perasan bagus. Species ni buat semua orang menyampah. Bukan apa, nak harap muka, datuk aku lagi handsome. Nak cakap kaya, kalau setakat kerja office boy @ mat despatch je, sekali je awek dorang bawa dating, terus habis gaji bulan tu. Tak yah la nak perasan bagus. Takde orang puji pun.  :p 
  •   Yang suka berfoya-foya. Species ni.. eeee.. aku pun geram la nak cakap pasal species ni. Korang tengah seronok berdating, tiba-tiba ada sorang awek cantik lagi seksi lalu depan korang. Mata si boyfriend ni pun terus meliar sedangkan awek kat sebelah je. Apa tak meletup awek dia.
  • Yang suka melibatkan keluarga. Hah.. yang species ni pun aku benci gak. Asal gaduh je, mesti nak libatkan seluruh kaum kerabat dia. Tak boleh ke setelkan sendiri? Macam budak kecik je aku tengok.
  • Yang tak setia. Aku paling pantang species ni. Kalau dah ada awek tu, buat la cara ada awek. Ni tak. Pantang ada perempuan cantik sikit, mula lah dia dengan gaya-gaya singlenya tu. Tapi nanti dah terkantoi, awek dia maafkan juga. Lepas tu, buat lagi. Pasal yang tu, aku no komen. HAHA
  • Yang egonya tinggi. Lelaki yang begini susah nak dikawal. Tak kira la dalam apa-apa hal, mesti dia je yang betol. Apa awek dia cakap semuanya salah. Perkataan ‘bertolak ansur’ memang tak wujud dalam kamus dia. Ego yang tinggi la yang selalunya menyebabkan orang yang bercouple ni break up. 
Dan yang terakhir,
  •   Yang controlling a.k.a king control. Hahaha.  Yang ni, aku nak minta maaf sikit sebab kalau perempuan yang suka nak control si boyfiee dia, kita panggil Queen control. Bagi yang lelaki, aku panggil King control je la ek? :p  Jenis ni paling aku tak tahan. Aku pernah terkena yang jenis ni.  Nak gila rasanya. Semua perkara yang aku buat, dia nak control. Dari segi pemakaian, pemakanan, percakapan. Pendek kata, semua la. Yang lagi teruk, kalau nak keluar makan dengan family pun kena marah. Kalau nak keluar, mesti dengan dia ja. Hampeh..
Tapi at last, aku terjumpa dengan sorang ni. Baik giler dan langsung takde ciri-ciri seperti yang dinyatakan di atas. Hubungan kami pun dah nak dekat dua tahun. :) Jadi,awak- awak yang kat luar tu, berhati-hati la ketika nak bercouple tu. Jangan la buang masa anda dengan orang yang tidak sepatutnya. :)

xx :)

Wednesday 19 October 2011


Coldplay. Ahh.. This is what I call good music. Oh, I'm sorry. Great music. I gotta say, Coldplay is one of the best bands ever. Their music is timeless. When I was listen to the latest music nowadays, I bet those songs would be nothing but a history within hmm.. I'll give it a couple of months. After that, nobody listens to it anymore. Why? There's nothing special about it. They're singing about stuffs that most people don't understand and don't care about. Thus, making it not memorable at all. Ok, back to Coldplay. I started listening to their songs since I was a little girl. I think it has been bout 10 years ago and yes, their songs are still on the top of my personal chart. I'm not kidding. This is what a band/group should be. Music that are still on everybody's mind even after years pass by and I think, Coldplay is the best example. Just so you know, Yellow and Scientist are among their best hits. Here's a little scoop on Coldplay.

  • Chris Martin – lead vocals, keyboards, guitar
  • Jonny Buckland – lead guitar
  • Will Champion - drums, percussion, backing vocals
  • Guy Berryman – bass guitar
xx  :)

Tuesday 18 October 2011

K-pop, the latest fever.

Justin Bieber is soooo yesterday. The latest fever is K-pop. It's everywhere, I mean literally, everywhere. Not that I care but it's starting to get on my nerves. Turn on the TV and there it goes, Korean/ Japanese songs. Switch the channel, another K-pop song. Urgh~ it's really annoying. Teenagers are CRAZY over those K-pop artists. I wonder what's so special about them. I mean, Hello.. The female singers are acting as cute as they can be. They keep on making bubble faces every single time the camera's on them and the most annoying thing is making the peace sign when taking a picture. That is SO cheesy. You know what I'm saying. I mean, who does that? Yes, they are cute, beautiful, pretty or whatever it is you wanna call them. I'm not saying they aren't. But acting super duper cute is a total turn off. It makes them so much less attractive. Enough with the female singers. We move on to the male K-pop singers. No offense, but honestly, I think they look like a bunch of gays dancing around with their skin tight leather pants. What could be gay-er than a guy who had his eyebrows shaped, layers of foundation or face cream or whatever it is you call 'em, lip gloss, eyeliner and a slightly pink blusher on their cheek bones. Now, that is a major turn off. Guys wearing make up as much as a woman does is a no no. Put them on a little black dress and a pair of heels, you'll get a woman. One last thing before I forget, what's with the big amount of group members? Once, I saw one of the K-pop group, I think they have about 12 group members, if I'm not mistaken. WHY?! Haha. Sorry guys if any of the statement I made hurt your feelings or anything. But this is my opinion. :)

p/s : I don't know if they're Korean/ Japanese/ Taiwanese. They all look the same (talking bout racism. haha).

xx :)

First post.

Firstly, this would be my very first post on my blog and what I'm about to post on my blog from now onwards would be based on my own personal experiences.

xx :)